Hello! 👋 I'm Dion. My coding journey started as an extracurricular hobby due to a lack of formal programming classes in my schools. One of my more notable hobby projects was 'Tap To Extinction', a mobile game published on the Google Play Store that racked up over half a million downloads. I later graduated with a first-class degree in Computer Science from Sussex University.
My professional career began with Android development, but I've since become proficient in back-end work aswell as competent in various technologies for front-end design. I have also recently began exploring DevOps, getting hands-on with tools like Docker and Kubernetes.
I'm passionate about tech, have a growing interest in crypto, and always enjoy diving deep into all things development. Feel free to check my Project Demo, which showcases a fully functional microservices project showcasing my skills. If you are interested, you can also view my previous graduate portfolio here  :)